Just a traumatized civilian
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“Fast paced is crap” Prolouge + chapter one lol(and the beginning of the document)

Posted by iEatRawPotatoes - July 12th, 2024

Alrighty, so before I put I. The first parts of the story(it was in a Google document and one of the very few stories I'm proud of just so I have something on this platform that's writing related. These my are original characters and I created this story with my own two hands. Made it a while ago. Don't question the title of it idk why its that lol-)

Anywho, here it is:

“Fast-paced crap is bad”


Anyways this is about Mark being abused, yes I know tricky subject, just practicing some gruesome and bad writing to make people feel bad. This is before Mark moved out of his aunt’s and uncle's house and before Leilai/Levi got the trans surgery(IDK WHAT TO CALL IT BROOOOOOOOOOOOOOO). (Mark is 17 Leila/Levi is 14). We love Mark guys, also I have no experience in this type of writing(specifically abuse), so yay. I’m more experienced in horror and drama. I might make a Halloween story for my characters. Anyways, enjoy the story whoever is gonna see this. Also this is in the past, Mark is no longer being abused. Also these are characters, FICTIONAL. (Mark in the present is like 23 and Levi is 20 :-) Welp now Mark is like 25 or smth idk i keep changing the ages so :-/ I wrote this while listening to Hayloft and Poison on repeat :-) (Mostly Poison but idrc) Listen to them! Poison is good, just placed in a bad spot, and Hayloft is a different story, but basically the same mood. 



Mark slammed the door behind him, his hood for a black jacket over his head. Leila looked startled. Aunt and Uncle looked mad at him. The world was spinning around him as he pushed his family away from him. Leila followed close behind him.

“Y-you okay Mark?” Stuttered Mark’s cousin, concerned at his strange behavior. Mark snapped and slapped Leila, though not very hard. Leila gasped and fell on the floor with a thud since she was easy to be startled with. “Mark??” Mark’s eyes were red-brimmed and a black eye. He was shaking and staring down his cousin, regret clear on his visage

“I’m sorry..” Mark muttered then ran into his room. Leila got up, the small sting of the red mark on her cheek didn’t wary her as much as Mark. Aunt picked up Leila from the floor, and Uncle went to see why Mark was doing this. Mark left mysteriously this morning and didn’t come back until 10 pm tonight. 

Mark now was in his room, curled in a ball, sobbing his eyes out, clutching his jeans. Uncle tried to open the door to his room, but the door was locked. 

“Mark, open the door this instant,” Uncle demanded sternly. Mark shakenly got up, still crying, and unlocked the door. Uncle opened the door and saw his nephew crying.

“I’m sorry,” Mark sobbed. Uncle looked at him sympathetically and hugged Mark. “What happened, kiddo?” Uncle asked gently. Mark didn’t answer and just sobbed into his uncle’s shirt. Mark muttered I'm sorry into him. Mark and Uncle embraced for what seemed like forever until Mark managed to fall asleep in his uncle’s arms. 

Uncle carried Mark like a baby and put him in his bed, cheeks still wet from tears. Uncle whispered goodnight to his nephew and closed the door.


Chapter 1: Something happens in this chapter :-)

“Hey!” Leila called out as Mark skipped her again in Uno with a smug grin. Mark’s friends Stacy and Britainknee, otherwise known as Brit, were playing Uno with Mark, Leila, and Leila’s friend Kourtney. Mark was winning with one card left.

“You're cheating,” Kourtney sassed, trying to defend her best friend, but Mark just kept grinning. Brit and Stacy knew they were screwed. Mark out down a +2, and it stacked up to Kourtney, which made her draw 6 cards. Stacy, Mark, and Brit all high-fived each other, triumphant. It was a 2 vs 3 match, Mark, Brit and Stacy, then Kourtney and Leila, which Kourtney made them play instead of traditional Uno. 

Abruptly, Mark’s phone rang.

“Excuse me for a moment,” Mark said, getting up from his creaky chair and picking up the phone. The voice on the other end was shouting and Mark’s face dropped when he heard who it was. Mark kept nodding and mumbling okay. His eyes filled with dread, but with a fake smile plastered on his expression. 

“I have to go do something,” Mark absentmindedly stated, then scurried out the door. Stacy and Brit questioned his exit, but the other two continued to play. Leila stared anxiously at where Mark had just standing a few seconds ago. Since Aunt and Uncle were out of town, Leila and Mark were home alone, so they decided to be responsible and play Uno with their friends, but she didn’t know if Mark was allowed to leave like that, especially without Aunt and Uncle gone. 

Mark fiddled with his fingers as he walked down his neighborhood street. He pulled his hood onto his head, and his hand in his pockets, not wanting to be caught. He was just a teenager, almost an adult. He could do what he wanted. If only he wanted to go where he was going. 

The neighborhood was buzzing in the nice sun, glancing as the hooded person walked down the streets of their humble community. Many started to whisper, questioning who it was, a few realizing it was the strange boy from Mr. and Mrs. Wrakfield’s home. Those few knew Mark was gay, even fewer knew why he lived with his aunt and uncle. Mark wasn’t paying attention to them though. His eyes were glued to the floor, filled with dread and fear. 

As Mark trudged along the sidewalk, deep

disquietude thoughts, he turned into a shady alleyway, a little shortcut to his destination. The slim rooftops hid away almost all daylight, making it difficult for Mark to see. He squinted into the darkness as he almost tipped three times, and his arm ran into a garbage dumpster. By the time he got out of the alleyway, he was limping, and his arm was bruised. His foot throbbed with pain, but he kept to himself, not wanting to draw more attention than he already was. 

The sun’s bright glares blinded Mark as he staggered into the light and out of the

shadowy alleyway. People walked past Mark, some in a busy hurry, some chatting and

laughing with friends, and others walking alone. Cherry red buildings and decorative markets surrounded the outside of the sidewalk, and cars drove steadily by on the road. Mark was in the town now. The shortcut from his neighborhood and the town was rather short, but it worked if he didn't want to be late. He kept a poker face now, trying to keep others from making him late and facing the cruel punishment he’d give Mark.

Mark’s limp slowed him down significantly, so he had to bear through the pain and walk 

normally, trying to keep himself from wincing. He wished he didn't go through that alleyway as he finally reached his destination.

Mark started to fiddle as he walked up the steps to his apartment building. Sweat beaded from his forehead as he entered the towering building. Each step was a step closer to whatever he had to face today. Shaking slightly, he meekly pressed an elevator button. The wait for the elevator seemed to last forever. As he staggered into the elevator, he could already feel his glare on Mark. People glanced at Mark's way, but nobody really paid any mind to him. 

The elevator doors opened, and Mark walked out. Mark couldn’t count how many times something bad has happened on this floor. Mark walked along the soft carpet, his pain in his foot barely registering as his dreadful thoughts deepeed. Each step seemed to last a whole year, but Mark got to his apartment way before he should have. 

Mark took a deep breath, which did nothing to calm him down, and knocked on the door. 


Wtf why is it Al the way to the side, Ima post it and see if people can read this shit lol




Cool it fixed itself